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Version: 0.4.x


Commands without side effects

if <value> - return true when <value> is truthy, otherwise false.

ifdef <name> - return true when a variable with name <name> is defined, otherwise false.

ifndef <name> - return true when a variable with name <name> is not defined, otherwise false.

ifeq <value1> <value2> - return true when <value1> is equal to <value2>, otherwise false.

ifne <value1> <value2> - return true when <value1> is not equal to <value2>, otherwise false.

iflt <value1> <value2> - return true when <value1> is less than <value2>, otherwise false.

ifgt <value1> <value2> - return true when <value1> is greater than <value2>, otherwise false.

ifge <value1> <value2> - return true when <value1> is greater than or equal to <value2>, otherwise false.

ifle <value1> <value2> - return true when <value1> is less than or equal to <value2>, otherwise false.

Commands with side effects

ifs <value> <variable> <newvalue> - return true when <value> is truthy, otherwise false. If the statement is true, <variable> will be set to <newvalue>.

ifdefs <name> <variable> <newvalue> - return true when a variable with name <name> is defined, otherwise false. If the statement is true, <variable> will be set to <newvalue>.

ifndefs <name> <variable> <newvalue> - return true when a variable with name <name> is not defined, otherwise false. If the statement is true, <variable> will be set to <newvalue>.

ifeqs <value1> <value2> <variable> <newvalue> - return true when <value1> is equal to <value2>, otherwise false. If the statement is true, <variable> will be set to <newvalue>.

ifnes <value1> <value2> <variable> <newvalue> - return true when <value1> is not equal to <value2>, otherwise false. If the statement is true, <variable> will be set to <newvalue>.

iflts <value1> <value2> <variable> <newvalue> - return true when <value1> is less than <value2>, otherwise false. If the statement is true, <variable> will be set to <newvalue>.

ifgts <value1> <value2> <variable> <newvalue> - return true when <value1> is greater than <value2>, otherwise false. If the statement is true, <variable> will be set to <newvalue>.

ifges <value1> <value2> <variable> <newvalue> - return true when <value1> is greater than or equal to <value2>, otherwise false. If the statement is true, <variable> will be set to <newvalue>.

ifles <value1> <value2> <variable> <newvalue> - return true when <value1> is less than or equal to <value2>, otherwise false. If the statement is true, <variable> will be set to <newvalue>.

Special Commands

else - used in a block to define an alternative output when no statement in the block is truthy.

end - used to end a block.